It’s that special time of year again where haunted house and themed attraction owners from all over the world gather in St. Louis, MO for Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show. We’re just as excited as everyone else so let’s talk about some new things Fearworm is bringing to the attraction Marketing & Advertising world at Transworld:
Last year Fearworm was the first agency to bring the Snapchat advertising platform to the masses and we’re still leading the way in vertical video advertising. Clients that worked with us last year and who jumped at the chance of advertising on Snapchat saw an amazing opportunity for their ads to outperform their competition. Our access on the Snapchat ad platform grants us direct placements, reporting, and tracking within the app. This allows us to build new things for 2018 like: new advanced targeting technology, more sophisticated reporting, and better service.
Cross-Platform “Stalker” Technology
This past year saw a huge advancements in Mobile I.D. Technology. Now, we’re able to capture and utilize customers’ Mobile I.D.’s in a cross-platform approach to direct consumer targeting. For example, in the past we would capture users’ mobile IDs by geo-fencing a venue like a laser tag arena and would run ads to that device in an “in-app” only environment…things like weather apps and games. Now, with our new technology, we can perform real-time event remarketing by utilizing mobile IDs across a wide spectrum of platforms…like Facebook, Google, Snapchat, and more.
OTT (“Over The Top”) Video
Television for the digital age! OTT Video are ad placements that run before and during programs people watch through online viewing and apps. For example, you have someone who wants to watch an episode of “Face Off” on SyFy which they watch through an app or internet connected TV service. You are required to watch a non-skippable ad before the show runs and potentially during the show itself. This is OTT video.
Private Client Portal
Fearworm is continually trying to improve our client experience. This year we are taking a huge step in that direction by introducing our private client portal. This portal will allow clients to instantly access key components of their campaigns, like: billing, creative assets, and real-time reporting data. This feature is included with all current and new clients.
Fearworm Events
This year Fearworm is proud to be a part of several events happening at Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show. These events include:
5 Digital Marketing Tips for 2018 – FREE SEMINAR
Did you know that your prime target audience spends 279 MILLION hours on their mobile devices every single day? That is 279 million reasons to not miss this seminar! Stay on top of digital marketing trends in this seminar hosted by the FearWorm Hauntvertising team. Learn the latest social media advertising and engagement tips, as well as the newest ways to target and track the most interested and qualified customer in 2018. The latest tricks and secrets will be revealed!
Bring a pen and paper and be ready to take notes…this educational session is packed with information. Click here to RSVP.

Haunt Marketers Dream Team Panel Discussion – FREE SEMINAR
What if you could get the haunt industry’s leading creative marketers in one room at one time to work for YOU?
With a combined eight decades of experience, and hundreds of clients big-medium-and-small all over the world, this ‘dream team’ creative marketing panel will present examples, ideas and answers that will help you creatively and effectively market your haunt, establish and promote your brand, and keep you top-of-mind with your audience.
Christopher Brielmaier – Rogues Hollow Productions
Dick Terhune – Voice From Hell
Ernest Corder – Fearworm Hauntvertising
Chad Savage – Sinister Visions
PLEASE NOTE: You must be a registered attendee of TransWorld’s Halloween & Attractions Show to attend this FREE seminar. To register for the show and for additional information, visit!
TransWorld’s Witches & Warlocks Ball
| $30 Pre-show | $35 On Site | BUY NOW
Saturday, March 24 | 8:00 pm – 1:00 am (Buffet 8:00pm-10:00pm)
Convention Center Ballroom
As TransWorld’s Halloween & Attractions Show winds down… the party is just getting started! Grab your friends, your broom, your wand and prepare for a magical night to remember! Join us for a live DJ, dancing and door prizes, palm reader, tarot card reader (from 9:30 PM till 11:30 PM) plus your party hosts & MC who always bring the FUN! Party with haunters from around the world and celebrate the end of another successful show. Costumes and creative attire ARE ALLOWED* and encouraged (but not required) as you party the night away at the final celebration of the 2018 Halloween & Attractions Show! Tickets are limited, and when they’re gone… they’re gone!
The appetizer selections:
- Southwestern Nacho Bar Station
- Pepper and Salsa Station
- Chicken Quesadillas
- Poblano Pepper Hummus, (Served with carrots celery and pita chips)
- Refried Bean and Roasted Corn Dip, served with Corn Tortilla Chips
- Dessert Station
- Cash bar; Iced tea and water included
*The No Costumes Policy DOES NOT apply to this after hours event!