
Transword, 2015. This is where you can learn how to make your haunt thrive. At Fearworm, we know how to advertise and market for haunts. We’ve been working on haunts and event marketing for a combined 43 years! Plus, we see results all over the country at a variety of haunts and settings. Whether you are our agency client or not, we’ll let you in on 5 actionable tips you can use this year to advertise and market your event.

First, the Title:

“5 Professional Advertising Tips For Your Haunt”

Next, here’s what we’re going to cover at the seminar:

The Creation of Your FearWorm

An ear worm is a catchy ad or jingle that gets stuck in your brain. A Fearworm is a catchy ad or jingle that implants fear in your head! It can be a jingle, a stinger, a “Stanger,” a poem, a character narrative. It will be the essence of your advertised brand, and it creates lasting branding and annual recall. Got a haunt in your market out-spending your budget? Break through the clutter with ads that stick.

Pre-Opening Night PR Event

How do you get the media talking about you? DJs. Anchors. Bloggers. Writers. Influential media staff. Other haunters. Learn the steps to take in creating a pre-opening night media event.

How Do You Get 10 to 15 Times the Normal Click Through Rates on a Banner Campaign?

Sounds too good to be true, but there is an answer. Anyone can do it. And how’d you like to get a free radio campaign with those click thru’s? Learn how.

It’s Not TV, It’s Video.

There are many new options when it comes to getting your video message in front of your right prospect. We still love TV. But we also love how Big Data is allowing us to reach people already looking for you, or looking for information about your competitors. Get the biggest bang out of your video dollar. We’ll show you how, regardless of your budget.

Scaling the Geo-Fence?

Picture this. You have a huge competitor just down the street. They have thousands of customers waiting in line in their parking lot in the cold for hours to attend their haunt. You know your haunt is just as good or better, but they’ve got the heritage and name recognition. Wouldn’t you love to talk to those people waiting in line, tell them about your warm, inside queue, and give them a coupon to see your haunt?

It can be done. Force your ad right onto those kids’ phones while they wait in line. Then follow them around on all their devices all season. Sounds creepy, right? Learn how to stalk your best prospects.

Patrick Stanger and Ernest Corder, Founders of Fearworm, will discuss these topics and provide a Q&A session at the Transworld conference. This could be the most important hour you spend this year in the development of your haunt. And the admission price – Free.

Seminar Information:
Saturday, March 21st
Transworld – St. Louis
11:15am – 12:15pm
Room 105

For more information, contact Ernest Corder at

Fearworm Seminar 3-21

About the author 


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