A Legend in the Making
Midnight Terror
A New Legendary Haunt is Rising in Chicagoland
Midnight Terror in Oak Lawn, IL started out as a "home haunt" event and is now rising to become true Chicagoland legend in regards to full-scale haunted attractions. Justin Cernuik, the owner, had one goal: Too grow his attraction into a Chicago area haunted powerhouse.

The Goal: Domination
Within seven short years Midnight Terror has transitioned from a humble "home haunt" to the premier haunted attraction in the great Chicago area. Attraction owner Justin Cerniuk achieved this with a few things: building an incredible staff, investing in his marketing, and reinvesting profits into the attraction itself and expanding his companies offerings.
Enter Fearworm
In 2018 Midnight Terror partnered with Fearworm in an effort the strengthen the overall plan and start building a foundation for a legendary brand. Work immediately began on what exactly Fearworm would be doing and how we were to handle our side of the marketing budget. The first step...the brand.
"My goal is to quickly grow my attraction into one of the best haunts in the country and working with Fearworm is helping us achieve that."
-Justin Cerniuk, Owner of Midnight Terror
Building an Incredible Brand
Time. It just takes time when working on a strong brand. We instantly recognized the quality and dedication the Midnight Terror team brought to their show, so, we wanted to bring the same level of attention to building the brand. Fearworm created many new things for Midnight Terror that reinforced a strong brand image, including: an updated website, a new "fearworm" jingle, creative direction on images and video, consultation on ticket prices and sale structures, and overall marketing direction.
All of this was in conjunction with our standard digital media placements and strategy. We utilize platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Google to further push our brand messaging.

"In the couple of years we've worked with the Fearworm team our business has grown exponentially year-over-year."
The Results
To date, Midnight Terror has experienced unprecedented growth (when compared to the rest of the haunted attraction industry) with no signs of slowing down. In our first year of working with Justin and his team we doubled their website traffic and sales increased by 33%. In our second year these trends continued with a 22% in sales growth.
Over 20 years of advertising experience and nearly two decades of working with haunts gives us the ability to produce real results for our clients.