This year has been one for the books, that's for sure! Many haunted attractions across the world are either unable to open or deciding to take a season off to eliminate the risks involved for their staff and patrons. If your haunted attraction has decided not to open for the 2020 Halloween season, FearWormer Laura has some excellent suggestions for what you can do to stay relevant to your audience during what normally would be your time to shine!

Number 1: Social Distance with Social Media!

Since you aren't opening this season, Social Media will be even more crucial than it was already. HUGE audience growth happens during Halloween season for haunts because it’s your turn to be relevant, don’t miss out on this growth just because you cannot open. This is the time of year that your audience expects to hear from you, definitely do not remain in the shadows! If there is a haunt that ends up opening in your market, you will need to fight the loss of marketshare with captivating content.

Number 2: Keep Your Cast Involved!

Use your actors to help you create excellent content! Using our client Brighton Asylum as an example, we used one of their queue line actors and worked with him on a few videos, some live Facebook content, and were able to make a few social campaigns using him as the lead icon. Over the years, Frabkie's popularity has skytocketed! Having characters that the audience can connect with is super beneficial, and will help the content creation process. With a little brainstorming and strategizing, Frankie became an overnight sensation and is still commanding audience attention to this day.

Your attraction cast is likely made up of characters that make your show unique. Giving your actors a platform to create and perform for will encourage cast retention and brand loyalty. Keeping your cast involved is good for both the actor, and the attraction! It's a Halloween Win!

Number 3: Be the Trick-or-Treat Solution Everyone Needs!

It is absolutely possible that Trick-or-Treating will be cancelled this year. Be the solution everyone needs! A little shift and a few boxes of pre-loaded treat bags could save the holiday in a way that creates an opportunity for brand presence and awareness in your area! Socially distanced trick-or-treating could happen, you could even do a virtual Halloween costume contest, if you wanted. The possibilities are endless and yours to bring to life!

Number 4: Scare Actors for Hire?

People have been paying to have special messages delivered for ages. Singing Telegrams, Cookie Bouquets (a FearWormer Laura favorite), and now...personalized video messages from celebrities! Who is to say there isn't a need to send that friend at the office a Happy Birthday message from a creepy haunt clown? See a need, fill a need, isn't that a wonderful saying? 

Number 5: Host a Blood Drive!

Let’s face it, blood drives can definitely be twisted in a fun, creepy way. Does your haunt have a vampire character? Maybe a witch who might be “pretending” to have a blood drive so she can use the blood in some huge spell on Halloween? The possibilities are endless. This is a wonderful way to pull some attention your way, to stay relevant, and to support a good cause for your community!

Above we've shared FIVE excellent ideas for your haunted attraction to stay present and relevant during your missed Halloween Season this year. Thanks for following along on the FearWorm Blog, and remember...if you are feeling overwhelmed by your Social Media, FearWorm does offer Social Media Management services. Contact us today and a member of Team FearWorm would be happy to discuss what social powered by FearWorm is all about!

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