Holy crap it’s March. If you’re reading then you probably know what that means… Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show is right around the corner. We’re just as excited as everyone else so let’s talk about some new things Fearworm is bringing to the attraction Marketing & Advertising world at Transworld:
>>Our Show-Only Special Offer
Everyone loves free, right? How about some free ads on one of the hottest social platforms in the prime haunted house demographic? This offer is only available during the Transworld show and will expire the Sunday of the show. We offering new clients $1,500* in value in free Snapchat ads (this includes custom creative created by Fearworm) when you sign-up with a digital media commitment ($7,000 minimum) for 2019. A 10% down-payment against the plan is required to receive this offer.
If you want some free ads and the best marketing team in the industry, come talk to us at booth #1119!
*Not redeemable for cash, no cash value. Offer expires Sunday, March 24th.
>>Fearworm Events
This year Fearworm is proud to be a part of several events happening at Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show. These events include:
FREE SEMINAR – Digital Replacements: The New TV, Radio, and Email Marketing
Traditional media audiences are shrinking, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t watching video, listening to music or messaging each other. It has been harder and harder to reach the young audience because of their changing media habits, but good news: these audiences are now being monetized and we’ve found the ways to reach them, allowing us to efficiently and effectively target your best audiences with your advertising messages. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of OTT Digital Video, a variety of options to reach the audio listener including podcasts, and ways you can use Facebook Messenger to build your lists and sell tickets. Presented by Patrick Stanger, Ernest Corder and Tyler Barnett of Fearworm Hauntvertising, the leading marketing firm in the United States for haunted attractions. RSVP now here!
Saturday Night Party – Venetian Vampire Ball // Sponsored by Fearworm
$30 Pre-show | $35 On Site | BUY NOW
8:00 pm – 1:00 am (Buffet 8:00pm-10:00pm)
Convention Center Ballroom
As TransWorld’s Halloween & Attractions Show winds down… the party is just getting started! Grab your friends, your fangs, your favorite mask and prepare for a night of mystery and mayhem! Join us for a live DJ, dancing, door prizes, drinks (cash bar), appetizers and more, plus your party hosts & MC who always bring the FUN! Party with haunters from around the world and celebrate the end of another successful show. Costumes and creative attire ARE ALLOWED* and encouraged (but not required) as you party the night away at the final celebration of the 2019 Halloween & Attractions Show! Tickets are limited, and when they’re gone… they’re gone!
Clients…don’t forget…we will have our own private section inside the Venetian Ball that includes our own roped off area, tables, our own bar/drinks, etc. It’s going to be fun. Bring your dance shoes. See you there. Clients in attendance will receive wristbands that permits entrance into this area. Entrance will be monitored.
How to Create Incredible Images and Videos Optimized for Social Media
Speaker: Laura Kilpatrick // Account Coordinator with Fearworm Hauntvertising
Room 276
Social media is a monster…are you conquering the beast? In this class you will learn the key requirements for incredible images and video on your social platforms. Join Laura (Designs That Kill/ Dark Hour Haunted House/Fearworm Hauntvertising) and discover tips & tricks for everything from framing & lighting to hashtags & copywriting. Arm yourself with properly optimized content and prepare to slay with social media!
$50/attendee (pre-registration) > Register Here
$60/attendee (on-site registration) > Register Here
Meet Voice Actor Mark Dodson

>> Product News & Updates
In 2017, Fearworm was the first agency in the attractions industry to introduce vertical SnapAds to clients. In 2018 we pioneered our Snapchat presence was brought incredible KPI results for ALL of our clients who ran a Snap plan. In 2019 we’re bring even more to the Snapchat platform with individual products and all-inclusive packages.
SnapAds – These are the standard ad formats that Snapchat offers. Fearworm has become the experts in strategizing, tracking, and running vertical ad campaigns in the app and to our target audiences.
GeoFilters – GeoFilters are fun and highly engaging for Snap users. The Fearworm team creates the most dynamic, engaging, and targeted filters that promotes customer advocacy and brand loyalty.
Snap Lens – A Snap Lens is an incredible feature of the app that applies a custom effect, in-camera, to the users face/body/environment. Think of this…your customers are standing in line and they see a sign with a custom Snapcode. They open Snapchat, scan the code, and a lens is applied to their face to make them look like a zombie, a troll, or maybe one of your icon characters. How cool is that! Stop by the Fearworm booth (#1119) for a test run of how this works and how it can benefit your haunt.
Advanced List Building & Management
Fearworm has invested heavily in new systems and growth in the areas of list building and management. This would include things like email marketing tactics, list growth tools, first-party data submissions, and advanced messenger marketing on social media that brings it all together. Want a huge ROI on your coupons and special offers? Talk to us at booth #1119 about how these campaigns can help grow your business.
OTT (Over The Top) Video
Television for the digital age, call it, the NEW TV! OTT Video are ad placements that run before and during programs people watch through online viewing and apps. For example, you have someone who wants to watch an episode of “Face Off” on SyFy which they watch through an app or internet connected TV service. You are required to watch a non-skippable ad before the show runs and potentially during the show itself. This is OTT video.